不論你是LLM or JD, 正準備申請或已經申請上了
當你在上課時, 你勢必要做NOTE
指定閱讀CASE時, 你勢必要做BRIEF
自己複習時, 你勢必會做OUTLINE
至少, 你跟其他老美借筆記時, 你一定要知道下面幾點, 閱讀起來才順利
Typing Shorthand
- Attorney = atty
- Common Law = c/l OR cLAW
- Consideration = ø or cx
- Constitution = C
- Contract = K
- Court = ct
- Defendant = D or ∆
- Federal = fed
- General Rule = GRULE
- Jurisdiction = jdx or juris
- Majority Rule = majR
- Minority Rule = minR
- Negligence = neg or negc
- Plaintiff = P or π
- Rule Against Perpetuity = rap
- Standard of Review = sor
- State = st
- Statute of Fraud = sof
- Statute of Limitations = sol
- Strict Liability = SL
- Summary Judgment = sj
- Supreme Court of the United States = SCOTUS OR SCt
- Two part words (e.g., affirmative action) = x/y (e.g., a/a)
- About = a/b
- Amendment = ame
- Argument = arg
- Because = b/c
- Between = btw or b/w
- Commercial = comm
- Different = diff
- Discrimination = disc
- Each = ea
- Employee = EE
- Employer = ER
- Employment = emp
- Ending with “-ion” = ^n
- Especially = esp
- For = 4
- From = f/
- Government = gov OR govt
- Not = ! or ≠ or %
- Point = pt
- President = pres
- Probably = prob
- Property = prop
- Reaction = rxn
- Required = req’d
- Review = rev
- Should = sd
- Something = sthg
- Standard = std
- Statement = stmnt
- Within = w/in
- Without = w/out
- With Respect To = w.r.t.
- Would = wd